The work of Russian congregation in Estonian Methodist Church started in 1957 within Tallinn Methodist Church. Russian speaking group of Tallinn Methodist Church provides various target groups with opportunities to participate in church activities. There are events organized for the children, teenagers and young people; for the middle-aged and retired people; for the families and for the women; and for the deaf people. There is a theatre circle and there are homegroups in the congregation, and the congregation is involved in media, music and mission activities. Bible study classes and camps are organized, and for the youth there is a project called “A Year to God”. The congregation serves the community by distributing food to the people in need, and serving in prison.

It has become a tradition for the congregation to have an annual picnic at Pirita monastery, Christmas party and a festive event for the families in January. Twice a year outings for the congregation are organized.


vene ja viipe keel
Narva mnt 51
10120 Tallinn
Harju maakond
Bank account
IBAN: EE982200001120073628
Märkused: Annetus vene kogudusele

Annetused tehnika fondile kasuta märkused:
Tehnika fondi vene kogudusele

+372 5536 707
Services and events
Su 13:00 Worship service
Su 13:30 Sunday school
Sa 13:00 MID-club

Koguduse meeskond